Sunday, April 13, 2008

Is Uncle Sam getting more of your money this week?

Is Uncle Sam getting more of your money this week ... or have you already sent it to him?

Here's a Special Offer I put together for you for tax week...

Leo Quinn has just updated his "Own Your Own Paycheck Again!" system for 2008 and I asked him if he would work up a special deal for my readers and he offered more than I expected!

Until 11:59PM on Thursday, April 17, 2008 you can get the "How To Own Your Paycheck Again!" program for HALF OFF. (This isn't one of those "fake" really ends in 4 days!)

Here's where you can grab your copy for half off:

Try his system for 50% off and get SIX Free AMAZING Bonuses
which he sells every day. (valued at: $160+)
You get these 6 on top of 6 others for a total of 12 Bonuses in all!

If the 50% discount isn't enough to have you heading over to the Special half-off website, these SIX free gifts will surely do the trick:

Bonus #1: A 90 minute audio of a live "How To Own Your Paycheck Again!" workshop You can listen to this online or download the MP3 to your computer for listen there or on your ipod or any MP3 player. ($17 value)

Bonus #2: "How To Own Your Paycheck Again!" the Audio Book. Each chapter was professionally recorded can listen to this online or download the MP3 to your computer for listen there or on your ipod or any MP3 player. ($17 value)

Bonus #3: "Pay For It Quickly" This five-page report will show you how to make back your investment in his product in 10 days or less. If you're reading this e-mail you have all the tools necessary to that quickly, easily and funly. (is that a word?)

Bonus #4: "The Beginner's Guide To Chatteling" YOU HAVE CASH IN YOUR CLOSET and your neighbors do too. Learn how to get it out (without breaking and entering) and profit from it with this e-book. ($67 value)

*Bonus #5: "Secret Underground Business Plans, Projects and Ideas" Leo recently purchased the rights to this 340 page e-book. If you are looking to start your own business, you'll get a ton of good ideas from this resource. (Value $39.99)

Bonus #6: Access to 22 Financial Calculators Just about any financial question you have will be answered by one of these calculators. These are GREAT! (Value ?)


That's a lot of stuff...and you get it all FREE when you try his System for 50% off.

Go here right now and claim your copy before time runs out!

Best Regards,

P.S. This special half off sale ends at 11:59PM on Thursday, April 17th. If you've been on the fence about investing in the "How To Own Your Paycheck Again!" Program there is no better time....over 13,000 people have made this investment since 2005 and NONE of them got a better deal. Go here now:

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