Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Get Your Link on my Blog for just $1.00!
Check out the TopSpots on the right, spend just $1.00 and start getting traffic right away.
I guarantee the price won't stay this low for long!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Just Launched! Don't Miss this GREAT Deal!
I really like to share with you when I find a really great deal. This one came across my desk today and I purchased it right away...
This is an excellent package of products at an incredibleprice. There is a limited number of copies made availablefor this amazing blowout sale. So hurry up and take a lookbefore you head on down to the sales page and find that it's already sold out!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Fraud Alert!!
This is on an account I have never written checks on. So I did some research online and found others complaining about this happening to them too. Another name mentioned is "eSafe". It is rumored that GreenZap has something to do with this, but I don't know that for sure.
I would suggest that you keep an eye on your bank account, especially if you've done any business with GreenZap, just in case that is true. I don't remember giving Greenzap my bank info, but I did send them a check and all information needed to print a check and cash it is on any of our check's.
I have to file some paperwork with my bank to dispute the checks. I also have to close my account because they said they can't stop further checks without knowing what check number they'll use. Which seems odd to me since I told them I don't write checks on the account so anything that comes through would be fraudulent.
In any case, I just wanted to give you a "heads up" to watch your bank account.
~ Robbin
Update: After closing my account, the 2 amounts were credited into another account by my bank within 2 days. I still don't know anymore about them.
Are There REALLY Secret Words that Help Sell?
How would you like to learn the exact words and phrasesthat the big guns use to make more m'oney then everybody else?
If that sounds good, go here:
Wes Blaylock has just released a killer new report where hedetails a set of super words and phrases that you canjust plug into your marketing to boost sales instantly..
It doesn't matter if you sell your own products or somebodyelse's or even how much experience you have, this reportwill help you make more online..
I recommend you go here right now and grab a copywhile it's still dirt cheap!
See you at the bank,
Robbin K Tungett
P.S. The price is increasing as you are reading this.Please go check it out right now so that you don't miss out!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Follow me on Twitter
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Grab a Fantastic Set of Tools, Scripts, & Graphical Web Site Templates
How would you like some 4 products that consist of tools for organizing/marketing, & 30 minisite templates with 101 graphic transparencies?
All of them come with master resell rights and one with Private Label Rights so you can turn around and sell them from your own site and keep 100% of the profit.
All marketers like tools to make there job easier, and that is what I have for you....
- CB Niche Builder
- The Bribe Machine
- PasswordSaver
- 30 Minisite Templates with 101 Graphic Transparencies
But you should act quick, as the price goes up $ 0.05 every 1/2 hour.
So go here now and save:
Also, you can earn 100% commissions on this product, and 50% on all other products.
Jump all over this one!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
eBay's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Download Policy
Actually, 5 mins into the workshop they said "Griff and Brian are here and we are ready to start the Workshop. We'll address questions as we go but first, we have some information to post." Now, get this... 41 minutes (that's FORTY ONE MINUTES) later they posted the information they mentioned just after the workshop started. That post was titled "Using Classified Ads for Selling Digital Content."
They KNEW what the workshop was going to be about. They KNEW the information they wanted to present. Why didn't they have it typed up so they could just paste it in when the workshop started?
Then, 52 minutes into the 60 minute long workshop they posted more in a post titled "A Digital Content Selling Strategy Example." Then came a few short posts... "Just In Time Printing", "Perceived Value Matters!", "The Content Itself" and "Pricing."
Most of the questions asked by users were answered after the hour was over and the opportunity to interact was over. They did manage to answer some questions, but I wasn't crazy about most of their answers. Some of them were a bit ambiguous to say the least.
The one question I wanted to see them answer was, can you offer a 'complimentary' download after the sale while the customer waits for their digital media to arrive in the mail? Now, mind you, if offered a download in lieu of something mailed and offered it in lieu of paying shipping, many bidders would probably just skip having the digital media mailed to them. So, my question was, if you do this are you breaking the rules?This is what was said:
You can not use the word "download" in your auction ads or your About me pages.
However, and I quote, "...with regards to sending the content via email attachment POST SALE where you also never mentioned that would (should be "word" not would), as either an option, or courtesy, delivery the content in digital format, then it would be allowed." (spelling, grammar, punctuation errors theirs, not mine)
So, to me that means, "Don't ask, don't tell."
Here is some more of what I learned:
- You can sell multiple items from one classified ad, but you can't link to them individually. You can put a phone number or email address in your classified ad though.
- Online Memberships CAN be sold via auction if you send a Membership card (or other physical item). If there is no physical item mailed, then it has to be listed via classified ad.
- Online graphics can be sold via auction if there has to be discussion over the design. If it's predesigned and they are buying it as it is designed, then it has to be listed as a classified ad.
I have pulled out the information that they prepared ahead of time to share in the workshop and copied it in this blog post:
Who do YOU have on YOUR team?
I've got the Best of the Best on my team!
Using Classified Ads for Selling Digital Content
For many sellers, the Classified Ad format is alien territory. eBay created this format a few years ago in order to provide a workable format for sellers of goods and services for which the traditional auction and fixed price formats were not appropriate.
If you haven’t done so already, review the Help page for “Advertising with Classified Ads”
Using the Classified Ad format only for your content listing strategy is probably not a wise idea. CA format will work best in tandem with a wider range of content listing options.
Selling digital content on various physical media
Using solid media like an optical disk allows a seller to continue selling their digital content in categories directly related to the topic or subject of the content. Many sellers are now listing the digital content on CD or DVD; a viable solution to policy compliance.
However, The new policy also presents intriguing marketing opportunities for the enterprising seller of digital content to add value to their content by offering it on media that can be used for other purpose. For example, offering one or more eBooks or templates on a USB flash drive, SD, or Compact Flash memory card. Currently, low capacity USB flash drives (128 or 256MB) can be purchased from on and offline wholesale and retail outlets for reasonable prices. In addition, USB drives can be branded with your eBay Store name, your logo or your domain name.
Although they cost more than low capacity USB drives, SC and Compact Flash memory cards serve an extremely useful double duty. Not only can use them for packaging your digital content, your buyers can also use them in their cell phones, laptops and digital cameras.
USB drives and memory cards also allow for cross category listing and promotion. For example, a 1GB SC card containing your selection of eBooks, templates or plans can be listed in the following categories along with many of their sub categories:
* Books
* Cameras & Photos
* Cell Phones & PDAs
* Computers & Networking
* Consumer Electronics
A Digital Content Selling Strategy Example
A good selling strategy should utilize as many listing options as possible. Let’s use the example of a seller of eBooks. (the following assumes the seller has an eBay Store to help cross promote all of their content listings with their non content listings).
1. First, list out the catalog of your eBooks and decide how you want to package them, either as single offerings, collections or both.
2. Then list out the various delivery methods at your disposal on eBay:
- Classified Ads (for purely digital downloads)
- CD or DVD
- USB Flash Drives
- Memory Cards
- And don’t forget the tried and true, Bound Paper (an actual book!)
- Books
- Everything Else > Information Products (auction or fixed price format)
- Everything Else > Information Products (Classified Ad format)
- Computers & Networking
- Consumer Electronics
Other points to keep in mind:
5. Use appropriate, relevant keywords in your listing titles. For example, for listings of content on CD, make sure that the title of the content and the media type are included in your title (follow the usual guidelines for effective titles: only keywords, no punctuation, no modifiers like adverbs or adjectives.) For example, content on CD:
Bigger Profits on eBay eBook CD CD-ROM
Content on Flash Drive
Bigger Profits on eBay eBook USB Flash Drive 128MB
If your eBook title has a subtitle, consider placing it as marketing in the Sub Title” area of the listing.
Once you have planned out your complete packaging, format and listing strategy, you can start listing the items on eBay and, by using your eBay Store Cross Promotional boxes, indicate which of your content items promotions (up to 12 per listing) will appear at the bottom of all your listings. If you are not using or are not familiar with Cross Promotions, you can learn more here: )
Just In Time Printing
Finally, don’t discount the old tried and true printed book method of delivery. As the success of on and offline bookstores like Borders, Barnes and Noble, Amazon and of course, eBay’s own clearly show us, bound printed on paper books still have a huge audience of eager buyers. There are many self-publishing options available to neophyte authors, especially those authors for whom finding an agent or old world publisher is not a viable option. Search the internet for “self publishing” to discover the options available. Many self publishing businesses offer authors a “print on demand” service which could very easily tie into an eBay listing strategy.
Perceived Value Matters!
I suspected that a few of you would balk at the idea of spending more to promote your content items on eBay. Let me tell you why increasing the value of your items may actually help, not hurt, your content sales.
Adding value to your content will set your listings apart from your competition. To my eye, one of more distressing aspects of the growing trend in digital content is the “sameness” that permeates this particular category of listings. There are so many titles like “How to sell on eBay,” “How to Make Millions on eBay,” “Needlework Patterns,” etc that it is difficult for buyers to differentiate between content listings.
Let’s explore the various ways a seller of self-created content can stand out from the crowd:
The Content Itself
Considering creating an “eBay How To” eBook or compile a collection of your own needlework or embroidery patterns or a collection of templates (the type of content doesn't matter here. All types of content will benefit from these tips)? Fantastic! Keep in mind that these are very crowded fields at the moment (it’s almost seems like every full time seller is writing a “how to” eBook of some sort). Before you begin, ask yourself: what is my angle? What is it about my content that is different, more valuable than the existing content? Maybe it’s your humorous writing style that sets your ebook apart. Or maybe you actually have strategies, tips and tricks that have never been presented. Maybe your ebook is rich in helpful graphics or is laid out like a school text books with q and a tests at the end of each chapter.
Maybe your “how to” ebook comes in audio format as well. (Why are there not more of these?)
If you cannot come up with a unique angle for your content topic, maybe you should consider a different topic. What are your other fields of expertise? Are you a fly tying expert? An expert watercolorist? A paint decorator? There aren’t too many ebooks on these subjects. The field beyond “How to [fill in the blank] on eBay” is wide open.
No matter what media, format or category, make sure that your content packaging and presentation is consistent and identifiable as your brand. Many successful content sellers create a graphic for their content that shows it as a hard or soft cover book. You may need to hire a graphic designer to do the initial work for you but again, anything you can do to set your content apart from your competition provides value to your potential buyers. Your mantra should always be, “I must set my content apart from the pack.”
This is touchy area for many sellers. No one (including me) wants to dictate the value of self-created content as indicated by the price the seller places on their own content. But consider: you spend time and effort putting together an ebook on a topic. You are proud of your work. You consider it to be of great potential value and use to your readers. You have followed all of the above suggestions and have created a workable listing and marketing promotion strategy.
Then you price the content out at .99
Remember, for the most part, buyers believe that value is best indicated by price. Sure, every buyer wants a good deal, a bargain. No buyer wants to spend more than an item is worth. However, there is a price point for every item – not always obvious and not always easy to determine – below which the buyer stops considering the item as a bargain and starts viewing the item as “cheap” with all the word’s negative connotations.
Don’t demean your content’s value by a too-cheap price. Part of your differentiation strategy has to be pricing. Experiment with different price points and take into consideration the results of your extensive research into existing pricing. Many sellers know this from experience but the lowest priced item in a category is not always the best seller.
The above information was taken directly from the Digital Download Policy Workshop on eBay dated 4/11/08.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Is Uncle Sam getting more of your money this week?
Is Uncle Sam getting more of your money this week ... or have you already sent it to him?
Here's a Special Offer I put together for you for tax week...
Leo Quinn has just updated his "Own Your Own Paycheck Again!" system for 2008 and I asked him if he would work up a special deal for my readers and he offered more than I expected!
Until 11:59PM on Thursday, April 17, 2008 you can get the "How To Own Your Paycheck Again!" program for HALF OFF. (This isn't one of those "fake" really ends in 4 days!)
Here's where you can grab your copy for half off:
Try his system for 50% off and get SIX Free AMAZING Bonuses
which he sells every day. (valued at: $160+)
You get these 6 on top of 6 others for a total of 12 Bonuses in all!
If the 50% discount isn't enough to have you heading over to the Special half-off website, these SIX free gifts will surely do the trick:
Bonus #1: A 90 minute audio of a live "How To Own Your Paycheck Again!" workshop You can listen to this online or download the MP3 to your computer for listen there or on your ipod or any MP3 player. ($17 value)
Bonus #2: "How To Own Your Paycheck Again!" the Audio Book. Each chapter was professionally recorded can listen to this online or download the MP3 to your computer for listen there or on your ipod or any MP3 player. ($17 value)
Bonus #3: "Pay For It Quickly" This five-page report will show you how to make back your investment in his product in 10 days or less. If you're reading this e-mail you have all the tools necessary to that quickly, easily and funly. (is that a word?)
Bonus #4: "The Beginner's Guide To Chatteling" YOU HAVE CASH IN YOUR CLOSET and your neighbors do too. Learn how to get it out (without breaking and entering) and profit from it with this e-book. ($67 value)
*Bonus #5: "Secret Underground Business Plans, Projects and Ideas" Leo recently purchased the rights to this 340 page e-book. If you are looking to start your own business, you'll get a ton of good ideas from this resource. (Value $39.99)
Bonus #6: Access to 22 Financial Calculators Just about any financial question you have will be answered by one of these calculators. These are GREAT! (Value ?)
That's a lot of stuff...and you get it all FREE when you try his System for 50% off.
Go here right now and claim your copy before time runs out!
Best Regards,
P.S. This special half off sale ends at 11:59PM on Thursday, April 17th. If you've been on the fence about investing in the "How To Own Your Paycheck Again!" Program there is no better time....over 13,000 people have made this investment since 2005 and NONE of them got a better deal. Go here now:
Friday, April 11, 2008
Important eBay Digital Download Workshop TODAY
Host: eBay Staff
Date: Friday 04/11
Time: 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Pacific time
Location: Workshop - Board
Description: The recent change in the Digital Download policy has many sellers of items delivered by download confused and concerned about the viability of their businesses on eBay. Have no fear! Sellers of "delivery by download" merchandise now have an excellent opportunity to adjust their selling and marketing to increase their visibility and their potential sales. Brian Burke and Jim Griffith with be available during this workshop to provide tips and advice to all sellers of downloadable media on a range of related topics including:
- Exploring and highlighting the policy details
- Taking full advantage of the Classified Ad format
- Utilizing effective marketing and promotion of your content items
- Offering content on physical media to boost sales
- How to make sure your all you digital content listings are in full compliance with eBay policy
I'm sure this is an important (and HOPEFULLY informative) workshop for anyone affected by this new policy.
On another note, a DON'T miss the New Greedy Giveaway for your chance to load up on some great products from top marketers for FREE!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
How many resale rights products do you have?
This is the only Blueprint you need.
Resale Rights Blueprint took John over 3 months of hard work and countless late nights to complete. This is his finest product to date.
Check it out at:
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Ebay Declares War On Internet Marketers - How You Can Profit From This Move
Many sellers of information products see this as a blessing in disguise as they turn to companies like ClickBank which can also provide a huge stream of cash-in-hand buyers along with the ability to provide instant downloads to their customers.
Sellers on ClickBank have known for years that their products on ClickBank sell for more, and their customers are more loyal than Ebay customers. This is because customers from Ebay are bargain shoppers and like to buy for pennies on the dollar and will rarely pay fair market value, especially for information products.
By using ClickBank's massive base of built in affiliates, the top sellers on ClickBank make over a million dollars per year just in ClickBank sales. This far exceeds what anyone on Ebay was earning from their digital download auctions.
However, ClickBank does not give us easy access to its 100,000 active affiliates. But there are some quick and easy ways to tap into this sales army with the system used in Scott Stamper�s ClickBank Stampede.
ClickBank Stampede reveals back doors and loopholes used by top ClickBank sellers. It�s the fastest, easiest and most efficient method of making money with ClickBank.
To learn more visit ClickBank Stampede at:
So if you were a former information product seller on Ebay, don't agonize. Instead use it as motivation to change your business plan to make even higher profits.
Spencer Johnson sums it up best in his best selling book "Who Moved My Cheese?" - "That's life! Life moves on. And so should we�"
Increase your sales up to 40% with this...
If you're in a hurry, please just take a quick look at this:
It's not often that a product comes along and truly makes a DIFFERENCE in people's businesses, but this is one of them.
If you were suddenly making 20-40% more revenue, without working harder, that would be significant, right?
That's exactly what this new tool does.
It's called "Virtual Smart Agent", and it's going to make an impact on your business.
When you put this agent on your website, it will go to work FOR you.
It will help you in many ways, including...
* making more sales for you
* building your list for you
* improving the effectiveness of your site
* keeping your website visitors happy
It will literally work for you 24/7, 365 days a year with no rest.
It's basically like having your own virtual "employee" that never sleeps. It just keeps working for you and building your business 24/7 with no breaks.
Today a limited number of these agents are being released to the public, on a first-come, first-served basis.
To get all the details just go to...
I want you to know that this is NOT some sort of a "hyped up" claim. This tool has been fully tested and PROVEN to get serious results.
Bottom line: if you put this onto your website, you WILL see a difference.
Again, only a select number of marketers will get their hands on it, so I recommend grabbing it right away.
Grab this HOT eBook Creation Software w/100% Resell Rights!
I just got this and you'll want it too...
It's a hot seller you can turn around for massive 100% profits day in and out!
Not only is this a very in-demand software, it also lets you create your own profitable and professional PDF ebooks easily!
Something you can USE! Something you can SELL!
My suggestion is to grab this now as the price may *double* anytime without warning:
If you have Paid access to Auction Riches Member's Area - you can get it for 1/2 price!
Grab your Member discount at:
Friday, April 04, 2008
Are Your eBay Sales Pulling in as Much as they Should?
Do you want free, instant access to 59,624,000 new customers this month?
If you are a small to medium size eBay seller, you already have what it takes to double your online sales. And I'm not talking about selling on eBay - let me explain...
Former eBay Instructor, Steve Lindhorst, has just released a new ebook - "Selling on 'the River' - The eBay Seller's Guide to Making Money on" with video tutorials
- Are your eBay sales better than they were a year ago?
- Have you wished there was another place to sell your stuff?
This is not a "bash eBay" ebook - it just shows you how you can maximize your profits by not relying only on eBay for your sales.
Find out more about what I'm talking about at:
Check it out and let me know what you think.
Have you checked out Big Crumbs yet?
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Get Cash Back at eBay
Just wanted to let you know about a FREE website that pays you cash back every time you buy something on eBay. has been around for over 2 years and eBay members have earned cash back on millions of dollars in purchases.
You can also get cash back at other top retailers and earn extra cash when other people shop.
Check it out and let me know what you think.
eBay's New Affiliate Program
You've probably heard by now that eBay was going to discontinue the use of Commission Junction to handle their affiliate program. If you want to continue to be an affiliate of eBay, you have to register with their new in house affiliate program, the eBay Partner Network.
I have just signed up for it and am going through everything trying to figure out how to use implement it and use it on my sites and blogs.
This is going to be a HUGE endeavor for many people. There are thousands of websites that run solely using eBay affiliate links. The owners of these sites will have to completely reimplement all of their eBay links. I don't envy them! There are also developers who have been scrambling to recode and redesign their automated scripts and websites that run the eBay affiliate program.
If you are interested in building an eBay affiliate website, Build a Niche Store is the absolute best solution!
Free PLR Download - $1000 in a Week on eBay
I've just acquired this ebook and although I know I could have sold it to you and made a few hundred bucks easily today, I decided to just give it to you.
To be honest, I haven't taken the time to read it yet (I just got it this morning) so I don't whether it's good or not. I can't vouch for the validity of the information included, but I figure since I'm giving it to you for free. You can read it and decide for yourself.
Perhaps you can learn something from it. Perhaps you'll want to private label it and resell it ... perhaps you'll give it away too.
Whatever you decide to do, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, so please leave your comments below if you have any. Maybe once I read it I'll decide to sell it myself.
Click Here to Download