Friday, July 29, 2005

How Many $100 Picture Books Did You You Pass Up at that Last Sale?

I found a great ebook this week that tells you what Children's books you absolutely want to pick up that will bring you big profits. It's another great resource to have while you're out at garage sales, flea markets, book sales, etc. You can learn more about it at

Also, I just received these two emails this morning about my Garage Sale ebook -

  • HI Robin - I used the book today and found some great treasures!! Awesome book. thank you so much. Already paid for itself in the first hour of garage sales. ~ Janet H.
  • Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed reading your new book Garage Sales Strategies. I thought I would be taking you up on your satisfaction guarantee and asking for a refund, but was really surprised at some of the items listed in your book. Two days after reading it I was at the Goodwill and spotted a FM convertor for AM radios and remembered it was in the book. The money I will make selling it will easily pay for your book. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for such a great resource and look forward to any updates you might come out with. ~ Kevin G.

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